Topics — High Availability

Fault tolerance and high availability are essential components in information systems.
Over time and versions, database vendors offer options guaranteeing a very high rate of availability and rapid recovery in case of failure : Oracle RAC Real Application Clusters, Sybase ASE Cluster Edition, MySQL Cluster Edition and many more to study.
PostgreSQL - Planned Failover / Failback procedures with streaming replication January 6th, 2020

No more articles in English. Below, the available articles but in french.
Miroirs de bases SQL Server 2008 R2 avec témoin, guide pratique April 18th, 2011

- des exemples de bascules automatiques et manuelles
- la prise en charge du mirroring par les couches clientes ODBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET et JDBC avec la propriété Failover Partner
- les aspects performances et la mesure de la latence vers le miroir (sp_dbmmonitorchangealert et sp_dbmmonitorresults)
Installation silencieuse d’un cluster SQL Server 2008 R2 en mode failover sur Windows 2003 Server February 21st, 2011

Sybase HA (Haute Disponibilité) April 18th, 2006