A previous article, published in February 2020, covered "InfluxDB v2, getting starting, preparing the migration from version 1.x".
InfluxDB v2 was in a beta stage version in this paper. InfluxDB v2 has been released officially in November 2020. It’s time to migrate from version 1.8.
Before migrating, let’s sum up.
About the TICK Stack (Telegraf - InfluxDB - Chronograf - Kapacitor) : in version 2, Chronograf and Kapacitor are integrated into InfluxDB, only Telegraf remains a separate component.

In this paper, a migration is performed from InfluxDB v1.8 to InfluxDB v2. The InfluxDB server is installed on Ubuntu 18.04.
The major changes to notice :
- A database/retention policy is a bucket in version 2. An organization is mandatory and initialized at upgrade.
- Flux language replaces InfluxQL (SQL-Like).
- Continuous queries must be migrated to Flux tasks.
- Protocols Opentsdb/Graphite/Collectd are no more supported and native in InfluxDB engine, Telegraf must be used to feed InfluxDB.
- Backward compatibility for existing 1.x users (InfluxQL queries, Kapacitor Tickscripts…) is guaranteed on InfluxDB v2 only if authentication is enabled for these users (username/password).
Measurements and series, quick reminder
In the time series database InfluxDB, the format of a point is the following :
measurement[,tag=value[,tag=value]] field=value[,field=value] [<timestamp>]
cpu_measurement,location=france,host=vpsfrsqlpac1 value=25.08,desc="influx" 1580918550000000000 cpu_measurement,location=germany,host=vpsfrsqlpac2 value=76.07,desc="postgres" 1580918550000000000
Series are the combination measurement/possible tag keys :
measurement, tag key1=value1, tag key2=value2 [,...]
cpu_measurement,location=france,host=vpsfrsqlpac1 cpu_measurement,location=germany,host=vpsfrsqlpac2
- Data are overwritten if the point already exists.
- The server’s timestamp is used if omitted.
- Data types can be forced when writing the first point :
for an integer datatype,status=t|f
for a boolean datatype.
The InfluxDB 1.8 server to migrate to version 2

InfluxDB v 1.8 distribution is installed on Ubuntu 18.04 in the directory /opt/influxdb/influxdb-1.8
The InfluxDB v1.8 server to migrate is started with the user influxdb
(uid : 10000
, gid : 10000
) and the command line below :
/opt/influxdb/influxdb-1.8/usr/bin/influxd \
-config /opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/cfg/srvifxsqlpac.conf \
-pidfile /opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/run/srvifxsqlpac.pid
- HTTPS is enabled (self-signed certificate). InfluxDB listens on
.influxdb$ export INFLUX_USERNAME=dba influxdb$ export INFLUX_PASSWORD=**************** influxdb$ influx -ssl -host vpsfrsqlpac
Connected to https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086 version 1.8.3 InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.3 >
name: databases name ---- _internal netdatatsdb telegraf aggtsdb
user admin ---- ----- dba true netdata false grafana false telegraf false
database privilege -------- --------- aggtsdb ALL PRIVILEGES netdatatsdb ALL PRIVILEGES
database privilege -------- --------- netdatatsdb READ aggtsdb READ
- The server databases (metadata + data + wal) are located in the directory
. - Continuous queries exist.
- Flux language is enabled.
- An endpoint
listens on port 4242. Netdata (performance metrics collector tool) sends data to this endpoint using OpenTSDB protocol. - Grafana reporting tool connects to the InfluxDB server using
user, read only user innetdatatsdb
In the configuration file :
dir = "/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/meta"
retention-autocreate = true
dir = "/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/data"
wal-dir = "/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/wal"
bind-address = "vpsfrsqlpac:8086"
auth-enabled = true
https-enabled = true
https-certificate = "/var/ssl/VPSFRSQLPAC.crt"
https-private-key = "/var/ssl/VPSFRSQLPAC.key"
flux-enabled = true
flux-log-enabled = true>
enabled = true
log-enabled = true
query-stats-enabled = false
run-interval = "60s"
enabled = true
bind-address = ":4242"
database = "netdatatsdb"
Checking InfluxDB v1 for upgrade, auth-enabled
InfluxDB 2.0 requires authentication and does not support the InfluxDB 1.x auth-enabled = false
configuration option.
Only users 1.x with credentials (username/password) will be migrated to InfluxDB v2 and important notice : admin users are not migrated.
Restart the InfluxDB server with the auth-enabled
configuration option set to true
and migrate existing tools, data sources… to
use non admin authenticated users, otherwise the existing queries (InfluxQL…) will be silently ignored in InfluxDB v2.
Migration path
The migration path is the following :
- Data are migrated to InfluxDB version 2 in the directory
. - The bolt database is also installed in the directory
. The bolt database is new in version 2, this key/value database stores metadata (dashboards, permissions, tasks,…). - Continuous queries are migrated to Flux tasks (to be prepared in advance if possible).
- The opentsdb endpoint is replaced by Telegraf.

Migrating to InfluxDB v2
Step 1 : Installing InfluxDB v2
InfluxDB 2.0.3 is installed in the directory /opt/influxdb/influxdb-2.0
, this directory only contains the
executables influx
(client) and influxd
(influx daemon). It is added in the $PATH
variable :
influxdb$ export PATH=/opt/influxdb/influxdb-2.0:$PATH
Before migrating, run influxd upgrade --help
to get a full description of the upgrade
option :
influxdb$ influxd upgrade --help
The upgrade will :
- Read the 1.x config file and creates a 2.x config file with matching options. Unsupported 1.x options are reported.
- Copie 1.x database files.
- Create influx CLI configurations.
- Export any 1.x continuous queries to disk.
Space availability is checked during the upgrade.
Check the version used is now v2 :
influxdb$ influxd version
InfluxDB 2.0.3 (git: fe04d346df) build_date: 2020-12-15T01:00:16Z
Step 2 : Stopping and backing up InfluxDB v1 server databases
Stop the InfluxDB v1 database and make a backup copy of all 1.x data :
influxdb$ ps -ef | grep 'bin/influxd'
influxdb 18824 1 1 01:28 pts/2 00:00:18 /opt/influxdb/influxdb-1.8/usr/bin/influxd -pidfile /opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/run/srvifxsqlpac.pid -config /opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/cfg/srvifxsqlpac.conf
influxdb$ kill -s TERM 18824 influxdb$ cd /sqlpac/influxdb influxdb$ cp -R srvifxsqlpac srvifxsqlpac_backup
Step 3 : Preparing the upgrade command line
influxdb$ influxd upgrade \
--bolt-path="/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/srvifxs2qlpac.bolt" \
--engine-path="/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac" \
--config-file="/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/cfg/srvifxsqlpac.conf" \
--continuous-query-export-path="/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/scripts/cs.sql" \
--influx-configs-path="/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/configs" \
--v2-config-path="/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/cfg/srvifx2sqlpac.toml" \
--log-path="/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/log/upgrade.log" \
--bucket="masterts" \
--org="sqlpac" \
--username="dba" \
In the above command line :
--bolt-path | Bolt database v2 path and file name |
--engine-path | v2 engine database files location |
--config-file | InfluxDB 1.8 config file path |
--continuous-query-export-path | File where to write continuous queries InfluxQL code |
--influx-configs-path | Path for 2.x CLI configurations file |
--v2-config-path | Configuration file to generate for V2 server
Allowed formats are YAML, TOML or JSON files
(.yaml,.yml,.toml,.json) . |
--log-path | Upgrade log file |
--bucket | Master bucket (mandatory) |
--org | Organization (mandatory) |
--username | Admin username (mandatory) |
--password | Password Admin username (mandatory) |
The parameter --v1-dir
specifies the path to source 1.x database directory containing meta, data and wal sub-folders but is not
necessary if the parameter --config-file
is passed, they are mutually exclusive :
Error: only one of --v1-dir or --config-file may be specified
Remove any file already generated by a previous failed upgrade (database files, *.toml
…). If a file already exists, an error is generated and the upgrade is not performed :
Error: file present at target path for exported continuous queries '/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/scripts/cs.sql'
Error: upgraded 2.x engine directory '/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac' must be empty
When the upgrade starts (some output is removed for brevity) :
"upgrade/upgrade.go:376","msg":"Starting InfluxDB 1.x upgrade"
"upgrade/upgrade.go:379","msg":"Upgrading config file","file":"/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/cfg/srvifxsqlpac.conf"
"upgrade/upgrade.go:383","msg":"Config file upgraded.","1.x config":"/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifxsqlpac/cfg/srvifxsqlpac.conf","2.x config":"/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/cfg/srvifx2sqlpac.toml"
"upgrade/upgrade.go:393","msg":"Upgrade source paths","meta":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/meta","data":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/data"
"upgrade/upgrade.go:394","msg":"Upgrade target paths","bolt":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/srvifxs2qlpac.bolt","engine":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac"
"bolt/bbolt.go:67","msg":"Resources opened","service":"bolt","path":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/srvifxs2qlpac.bolt"
"migration/migration.go:241","msg":"Migration \"Create TSM metadata buckets\" started (up)","service":"migrations"
Welcome to InfluxDB 2.0 upgrade!
Please type your retention period in hours.
Or press ENTER for infinite.:
You have entered:
Username: dba
Organization: sqlpac
Bucket: masterts
Retention Period: infinite
Confirm? (y/n): y
The retention period is set to infinite. The upgrade takes place.
"upgrade/setup.go:154","msg":"CLI config has been stored.","path":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/configs"
"upgrade/database.go:37","msg":"Checking space"
"upgrade/database.go:53","msg":"Disk space info","Free space":"4.0 GB","Requested space":"466 MB"
"upgrade/database.go:67","msg":"Upgrading databases"
"upgrade/database.go:75","msg":"Skipping _internal "
"upgrade/database.go:80","msg":"Upgrading database ","database":"netdatatsdb"}
"upgrade/database.go:99","msg":"Creating bucket ","Bucket":"netdatatsdb/autogen"}
"upgrade/database.go:110","msg":"Creating database with retention policy","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c"}
"upgrade/database.go:128","msg":"Creating mapping","database":"netdatatsdb","retention policy":"autogen","orgID":"4dec7e867866cc2f","bucketID":"dd2b762103a1d94c"}
"upgrade/database.go:141","msg":"Creating shard group","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c","retention policy":"autogen","time":1577059200}
"upgrade/database.go:141","msg":"Creating shard group","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c","retention policy":"autogen","time":1578268800}
"upgrade/database.go:141","msg":"Creating shard group","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c","retention policy":"autogen","time":1578873600}
"upgrade/database.go:141","msg":"Creating shard group","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c","retention policy":"autogen","time":1579478400}
"upgrade/database.go:141","msg":"Creating shard group","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c","retention policy":"autogen","time":1580688000}
"upgrade/database.go:141","msg":"Creating shard group","database":"dd2b762103a1d94c","retention policy":"autogen","time":1581292800}
"upgrade/database.go:156","msg":"Copying data","source":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/data/netdatatsdb/autogen","target":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen"}
"upgrade/database.go:171","msg":"Copying wal","source":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifxsqlpac/wal/netdatatsdb/autogen","target":"/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/wal/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen"}
"upgrade/database.go:208","msg":"Exporting CQ","db":"netdatatsdb","cq_name":"cq_metrics"}
"upgrade/database.go:80","msg":"Upgrading database ","database":"telegraf"}
"upgrade/database.go:99","msg":"Creating bucket ","Bucket":"telegraf/rp72h"}
"upgrade/database.go:110","msg":"Creating database with retention policy","database":"7538d4ef709d1715"}
"upgrade/database.go:128","msg":"Creating mapping","database":"telegraf","retention policy":"rp72h","orgID":"4dec7e867866cc2f","bucketID":"7538d4ef709d1715"}
"upgrade/security.go:48","msg":"User is admin and will not be upgraded.","username":"dba"}
"upgrade/security.go:105","msg":"User upgraded.","username":"grafana"}
"upgrade/security.go:105","msg":"User upgraded.","username":"netdata"}
"upgrade/upgrade.go:463","msg":"Upgrade successfully completed. Start the influxd service now, then log in","login_url":"https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086"}
Starting InfluxDB v2
Databases are now migrated. The configuration file srvifx2sqlpac.toml
created with the parameter --v2-config-path
during the upgrade contains the essential informations (bolt database path, engine database path, address…).
The HTTPS/SSL parameters are also copied from v1 configuration and defined.
bolt-path = "/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/srvifxs2qlpac.bolt"
engine-path = "/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac"
http-bind-address = "vpsfrsqlpac:8086"
storage-series-id-set-cache-size = 100
tls-cert = "/var/ssl/VPSFRSQLPAC.crt"
tls-key = "/var/ssl/VPSFRSQLPAC.key"
To start InfluxDB v2 server, set the variable INFLUXD_CONFIG_PATH
(v2 server configuration file) and run the influxd
with the option run
influxdb$ export INFLUXD_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/cfg/srvifx2sqlpac.toml
influxdb$ nohup influxd run >> /opt/influxdb/dba/srvifx2sqlpac/log/srvifx2sqlpac.log 2>&1 &
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.185163Z lvl=info msg="Welcome to InfluxDB" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 version=2.0.3 commit=fe04d346df build_date=2020-12-15T01:00:16Z
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.186172Z lvl=info msg="Resources opened" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=bolt path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/srvifxs2qlpac.bolt
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.194448Z lvl=info msg="Checking InfluxDB metadata for prior version." log_id=0S1VoPlG000 bolt_path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/srvifxs2qlpac.bolt
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.194543Z lvl=info msg="Using data dir" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.194607Z lvl=info msg="Compaction settings" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine max_concurrent_compactions=1 throughput_bytes_per_second=50331648 throughput_bytes_per_second_burst=50331648
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.194620Z lvl=info msg="Open store (start)" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open op_event=start
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.603908Z lvl=info msg="Opened shard" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open index_version=inmem path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen/75 duration=395.206ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.620382Z lvl=info msg="Opened shard" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open index_version=inmem path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen/15 duration=16.413ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.653303Z lvl=info msg="Opened shard" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open index_version=inmem path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen/22 duration=32.865ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.696091Z lvl=info msg="Opened shard" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open index_version=inmem path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen/26 duration=41.242ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.724205Z lvl=info msg="Opened shard" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open index_version=inmem path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen/47 duration=28.064ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.744825Z lvl=info msg="Opened shard" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open index_version=inmem path=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/data/dd2b762103a1d94c/autogen/58 duration=20.583ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.745069Z lvl=info msg="Open store (end)" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-engine op_name=tsdb_open op_event=end op_elapsed=550.449ms
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.745094Z lvl=info msg="Starting retention policy enforcement service" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=retention check_interval=30m
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.745111Z lvl=info msg="Starting precreation service" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=shard-precreation check_interval=10m advance_period=30m
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.745165Z lvl=info msg="Starting query controller" log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=storage-reads concurrency_quota=10 initial_memory_bytes_quota_per_query=9223372036854775807 memory_bytes_quota_per_query=9223372036854775807 max_memory_bytes=0 queue_size=10
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:21.745699Z lvl=info msg="Configuring InfluxQL statement executor (zeros indicate unlimited)." log_id=0S1VoPlG000 max_select_point=0 max_select_series=0 max_select_buckets=0
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:22.039074Z lvl=info msg=Starting log_id=0S1VoPlG000 service=telemetry interval=8h
ts=2021-01-29T08:12:22.039344Z lvl=info msg=Listening log_id=0S1VoPlG000 transport=https addr=vpsfrsqlpac2:8086 port=8086
Run influx
ping to check the connectivity :
influxdb$ influx ping --host https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086
Using influx
client and self-signed certificates without a certificate authority (CA), add the option
, otherwise the error "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
is raised.
For more informations about creating self-signed certificates with its own certificate authority : Ubuntu - Self-signed certificates with its own certification authority
Connecting and running commands using influx client
The admin’s token (dba
) is then stored in the file /sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/configs
, section default
file created during the migration (--influx-configs-path
) :
url = "https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086"
token = "K2YXbGhIJIjVhL_FjmDN_Dl3CdOIgAPi4CwHhp6SrSFOEvfm62ziYOZ15W4kySH7dc6Hlx0BhBKRvH9IXgja6g=="
org = "sqlpac"
active = true
Set the variable $INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH
(configs file path) and the variable $INFLUX_ACTIVE_NAME
(section name) :
influxdb$ export INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH=/sqlpac/influxdb/srvifx2sqlpac/configs
influxdb$ export INFLUX_ACTIVE_NAME=default
client commands require --host
if localhost
(the default) is not used, define
the variable $INFLUX_HOST
, it will avoid repeating --host
parameter :
influxdb$ export INFLUX_HOST=https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086
Admin commands are now authorized (buckets, users, authorizations, tasks… management) using influx
client :
influxdb$ influx bucket list --org sqlpac
ID Name Retention Organization ID a67ea95f68df447c _monitoring 168h0m0s 4dec7e867866cc2f e6b47fdfbbe80d57 _tasks 72h0m0s 4dec7e867866cc2f 18c073a588127f79 masterts 0s 4dec7e867866cc2f dd2b762103a1d94c netdatatsdb/autogen 0s 4dec7e867866cc2f 7538d4ef709d1715 telegraf/rp72h 72h0m0s 4dec7e867866cc2f
influxdb$ influx auth list
ID Description Token User Name User ID Permissions 06f9d7a7c0856000 dba's Token nDWNhwb… dba 06f9d7a7a1856000 [read:authorizations write:authorizations read:buckets write:buckets read:dashboards write:dashboards…]
To use the graphical tool (Chronograf, …), first run influx user password
to initialize a password for the admin account (dba
) :
influxdb$ influx user password --name dba
Please type your new password: …
GUI is available at the address http(s)://<host>:8086
: https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086
in this use case.
Now Chronograf is integrated, building queries, especially with Flux language, is easier, influx
line being a little bit frustrating :

About learning Flux language, the 2 publications below may help :
- SQLPAC - InfluxDB v2 : Flux language, quick reference guide and cheat sheet
- SQLPAC - InfluxDB, Moving from InfluxQL to Flux language
Post migration steps
influxd upgrade
migrates existing 1.x users and permissions, however it does not migrate administrative users.
To check the 1.x users and permissions migration, use influx v1 auth list
influxdb$ influx v1 auth list
ID Description Name / Token User Name User ID Permissions 07017e… … grafana dba 07017e… [read:orgs/4dec7e867866cc2f/buckets/dd2b762103a1d94c] 07017e… … netdata dba 07017e… [read:orgs/4dec7e867866cc2f/buckets/dd2b762103a1d94c write:orgs/4dec7e867866cc2f/buckets/dd2b762103a1d94c]
influxdb$ influx bucket list
ID Name Retention Organization ID a67ea95f68df447c _monitoring 168h0m0s 4dec7e867866cc2f e6b47fdfbbe80d57 _tasks 72h0m0s 4dec7e867866cc2f 18c073a588127f79 masterts 0s 4dec7e867866cc2f dd2b762103a1d94c netdatatsdb/autogen 0s 4dec7e867866cc2f 7538d4ef709d1715 telegraf/rp72h 72h0m0s 4dec7e867866cc2f
Backward compatibility is ensured. The grafana
user used by Grafana is migrated : the user connects well to InfluxDB v2 and can run the InfluxQL queries defined in the Grafana dashboards.
Permissions can be managed using influx v1 auth [create|delete|set-active…]
, but bear in mind that using v1
only read/write
permissions on buckets can be defined. The full permissions management (buckets, tasks, endpoints, dashboards…) is only available for v2 users created with
influx user
and influx auth
Continuous queries migration to Flux tasks
Unfortunately, continuous queries are not easily migrated and must be converted manually to Flux tasks. This work should be prepared before migration.
Continuous queries source code is saved in the file specified in the parameter --continuous-query-export-path
when running upgrade (influxd upgrade
name: netdatatsdb name query ---- -----
cq_metrics CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq_metrics ON netdatatsdb BEGIN SELECT mean(value) INTO netdatatsdb.autogen.backend_metrics FROM netdatatsdb.autogen."netdata.netdata.backend_metrics.sent" GROUP BY time(2m) fill(0) END
InfluxQL 1 code | Flux task v2 code |
To compile the task, either use the graphical interface or influx
client :
influxdb$ influx task create --file cq_metrics.flux
ID Name Organization ID Organization Status Every Cron 07018ed278d19000 cq_metrics 4dec7e867866cc2f sqlpac active 2m
Tasks logs are available in the user interface. Also available in command line using influx
client , but less easy :
influxdb$ influx task run list --task-id 07018ed278d19000
ID TaskID Status ScheduledFor StartedAt FinishedAt RequestedAt 07019b0e30119000 07018ed278d19000 success 2021-01-29T11:14:00Z 2021-01-29T11:14:00.003607793Z 2021-01-29T11:14:00.026414732Z 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 07019a9900119000 07018ed278d19000 success 2021-01-29T11:12:00Z 2021-01-29T11:12:00.003733373Z 2021-01-29T11:12:00.020218332Z 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
OpenTSDB migration to Telegraf
Native support of the protocols OpenTSDB, Graphite, CollectD, UDP is removed in version 2. A telegraf agent must be setup between the application and the InfluxDB v2 server to manage these architectures.

In this use case, Netdata sends its metrics through the protocol OpenTSDB to the InfluxDB Server version 1.8 / port 4242 :
# host tags =
enabled = yes
data source = average
type = opentsdb
destination = tcp:vpsfrsqlpac:4242
Metrics are sent with the following OpenTSDB syntax :
put netdata.users.sockets.daemon 1579463790 0.0000000 host=vpsfrsqlpac1
Unfortunately, Telegraf does not have any OpenTSDB input plugin, only an output one, bad news…
But Netdata can also send the metrics using the graphite protocol and Telegraf supports the Graphite data format with the input plugin socket_listener
In the target architecture, Netdata pushes the metrics in the graphite format to a Telegraf agent listening on port 14001.
Telegraf 1.17.1 is installed in the directory /opt/influxdb/telegraf-1.17
and the Telegraf agent configuration file (tgf_netdata.conf
) is prepared :
- Input plugin :
- Output plugin :
influxdb$ telegraf --input-filter socket_listener --output-filter influxdb_v2 config > $TGF_CFG/tgf_netdata.conf
omit_hostname = true
service_address = "tcp://:14001"
data_format = "graphite"
templates = [
urls = ["https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086"]
token = "K2YXbGhIJIjVhL_FjmDN_Dl3CdOIgAPi4CwHhp6SrSFOEvfm62ziYOZ15W4kySH7dc6Hlx0BhBKRvH9IXgja6g=="
organization = "sqlpac"
bucket = "netdatatsdb/autogen"
insecure_skip_verify = true
- In the general configuration
, the parameteromit_hostname
is defined totrue
, otherwise the taghost
is automatically added by the telegraf agent and it overrides the taghost
sent by NetData. - The input plugin is configured : port 14001 and graphite data format.
A template is applied (
), indeed when NetData sends data with the graphite format, the format is the following :netdata.vpsfrsqlpac1.users.cpu.postgres 0.0000000 1579463970
But we want the host name to be a tag key (
) and not defined in the measurement name :netdata.users.cpu.postgres,host=vpsfrsqlpac1 0.0000000 1579463970
- In the output configuration to InfluxDB Server 2, do not forget the option
set totrue
is implemented with self-signed certificates without certificate authority. The url, token, organization and bucket are specified. The token used here is the admin’s token (dba
), another user with less privileges is recommended.
The Netdata configuration is therefore modified to set graphite data format and to switch to the port of the Telegraf agent :
enabled = yes
data source = average
type = graphite
destination = tcp:vpsfrsqlpac:14001
Telegraf agent is started and Netdata server restarted :
influxdb% nohup telegraf --config $TGF_CFG/tgf_netdata.conf \
--debug >> $TGF_LOG/tgf_netdata.log 2>&1 &
When input/output streams are properly defined :
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z I! Loaded processors:
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb_v2
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z I! Tags enabled:
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"", Flush Interval:10s
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z D! [agent] Initializing plugins
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z D! [agent] Connecting outputs
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z D! [agent] Attempting connection to [outputs.influxdb_v2]
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z D! [agent] Successfully connected to outputs.influxdb_v2
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z D! [agent] Starting service inputs
2021-01-28T09:11:37Z I! [inputs.socket_listener] Listening on tcp://[::]:14001
2021-01-28T09:11:46Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 167.920781ms
2021-01-28T09:11:46Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 14.633634ms
2021-01-28T09:11:46Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Buffer fullness: 6000 / 10000 metrics
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 17.831348ms
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 15.655119ms
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 13.539954ms
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 17.757401ms
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 46.331055ms
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Wrote batch of 1000 metrics in 33.348918ms
2021-01-28T09:11:47Z D! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
InfluxQL queries, the endpoint /query
The endpoint /query
ensures backward compatibility with InfluxQL 1.x queries :
curl --request POST https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086/query \ --user "netdata:********" \ --header "Accept: application/csv" \ --data-urlencode "db=netdatatsdb" \ --data-urlencode "rp=autogen" \ --data-urlencode "q=SELECT mean(value) FROM netdatatsdb.autogen.backend_metrics WHERE time >= now() - 1w GROUP BY time(5m) FILL(none)"
name,tags,time,mean backend_metrics,,1612060200000000000,1347.2222222222224 backend_metrics,,1612061100000000000,1352.6666666666667 backend_metrics,,1612062000000000000,1355.8333333333333 …
Add the option --insecure
for self-signed certificates without certificate authority.
In the example above, a 1.x user is used : of course a v2 user’s token can be used :
curl --request POST https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086/query \ --header "Authorization: Token K2YXbGhIJIjVhL_FjmDN_Dl3CdOIgAPi4CwHhp6SrSFOEvfm62ziYOZ15W4kySH7dc6Hlx0BhBKRvH9IXgja6g==" \ --header "Accept: application/csv" \ --data-urlencode "db=netdatatsdb" \ --data-urlencode "rp=autogen" \ --data-urlencode "q=SELECT mean(value) FROM netdatatsdb.autogen.backend_metrics WHERE time >= now() - 1w GROUP BY time(5m) FILL(none)"
name,tags,time,mean backend_metrics,,1612060200000000000,1347.2222222222224 backend_metrics,,1612061100000000000,1352.6666666666667 backend_metrics,,1612062000000000000,1355.8333333333333 …
We may immediately conclude : to use 1.x InfluxQL commands (SHOW MEASUREMENTS
do we have now to use curl
and HTTP queries to the endpoint /query
Temporarily, yes, but InfluxQL SHOW
commands will be probably removed in future releases.
InfluxDB v2 package schema
should be used instead, this topic is covered in a next section (Exploring schema).
The influx
client transpile
option translates InfluxQL queries to Flux syntax,
not fully reliable but a good starting tool for beginners in Flux language and to start later InfluxQL code migration to Flux :
influxdb$ influx transpile \ 'SELECT mean(value) FROM netdatatsdb.autogen.backend_metrics WHERE time >= now() - 1w GROUP BY time(15m) FILL(none)'
package main from(bucket: "netdatatsdb/autogen") |> range(start: 2021-01-22T10:34:54.39766715Z, stop: 2021-02-29T10:34:54.39766715Z) |> filter(fn: (r) => (r._measurement == "backend_metrics" and r._field == "value")) |> group(columns: ["_measurement", "_start", "_stop", "_field"], mode: "by") |> keep(columns: ["_measurement", "_start", "_stop", "_field", "_time", "_value"]) |> window(every: 15m) |> mean() |> map(fn: (r) => ({r with _time: r._start})) |> window(every: inf) |> rename(columns: {_value: "mean"}) |> yield(name: "0")
Update (March 9 2021) : the transpile
option will be deprecated in
next versions - GitHub Influxdata/Influxdb, fix(cmd/influx): delete unsupported influx transpile command
Writing data
InfluxDB Line protocol
About InfluxDB line protocol, no changes in version 2, the format remains the same.
statement is replaced by the command line influx write
to write points :
influxdb$ influx write --bucket=telegraf/rp72h \
--precision s 'customMeasure,host=vpsfrsqlpac1 cpupct=23.4,slot=1i,isdefault=true 1581321757'
- The timestamp server is used when it is omitted in the line.
- Integer datatype instead of float is forced by adding
after the value when inserting the first point. The suffixu
is used to specify unsigned integers. - Boolean datatype is applied when writing
without quotes or double quotes when inserting the first point.
Applying the right data type enforces data integrity and reduces memory and space usage.
Error: Failed to write data: unexpected error writing points to database: partial write: series type mismatch: already Integer but got Float dropped=1.
The endpoint /write
The endpoint /write
, like the endpoint /query
, is available for writing for backward compatibility with 1.x API :
curl \
--request POST "https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086/write?db=telegraf&rp=rp72h" \
--user "telegraf:**********" \
--data-binary "measurement,host=host1 field1=2i,field2=2.0 1577836800000000000"
curl \
--request POST "https://vpsfrsqlpac:8086/write?db=telegraf&rp=rp72h" \
--header "Authorization: Token K2YXbGhIJIjVhL_FjmDN_Dl3CdOIgAPi4CwHhp6SrSFOEvfm62ziYOZ15W4kySH7dc6Hlx0BhBKRvH9IXgja6g==" \
--data-binary "measurement,host=host1 field1=2i,field2=2.0 1577836800000000000"
Add the option --insecure
for self-signed certificates without certificate authority.
Bulk loads
In InfluxDB v2, bulk loads from CSV files are now performed using csv
package (still experimental ?) :
- CSV formats can be InfluxDB Line Protocol or Annotated CSV.
- Sources can be
,raw data
The details are not covered here, this paper only focuses on migration.
import "experimental/csv"
csv.from(file: "/sqlpac/data/netdata_20210128.csv")
|> to(bucket: "netdatatsdb/autogen", org: "sqlpac")
SELECT INTO, function to()
In InfluxDB v1.x, SELECT INTO
statements are used to copy data from one measurement to another.
In InfluxDB v2, use the Flux function to()
In the example below, computed data from the measurement netdata.netdata.backend_metrics.sent
are written to the
measurement in the same bucket (netdatatsdb/autogen
). There is a lack of documentation on how to write data
in the same bucket using the function set
from(bucket: "netdatatsdb/autogen")
|> range(start: -10d)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "netdata.netdata.backend_metrics.sent")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "value")
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1h, fn: mean)
|> fill(column: "_value", value: 0.0)
|> set(key: "_measurement", value: "backend_metrics_perhour")
|> to(org: "sqlpac", bucket: "netdatatsdb/autogen")
The InfluxQL query syntax would have been :
SELECT mean(value)
INTO netdatatsdb.autogen.backend_metrics_perhour
FROM netdatatsdb.autogen."netdata.netdata.backend_metrics.sent"
WHERE time >= now() - 10d
GROUP BY time(1h) FILL(0)
Deleting data
Less used, but we need sometimes to delete erroneous data impacting reporting.
statement is replaced by the influx delete
command line :
influxdb$ influx delete --bucket netdatatsdb/autogen \
--org sqlpac \
--start '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' \
--stop $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
--predicate '_measurement="cpu_measurement" AND location="spain"'
Start and stop times are specified using the RFC3339 format. Do not forget the predicates and start/stop.
Unfortunately, regular expressions are not yet supported in predicates.
--predicate '_measurement =~ /^netdata/'
Error: Failed to delete data: invalid request; error parsing request json: operator: "=~" at position: 13 is not supported yet.
Exploring schema
In InfluxDB v1, we were used to explore metadata and schema with the SHOW
In InfluxDB v2, helper functions in schema
package replace SHOW
commands functionalities,
some translations examples below :
InfluxQL | Flux InfluxDB v2 |
N/A |
In the following commands,
before invoking schema package functions
Field type is no more available, only field name. |
package functions, by default search is performed with an oldest time set to -30 days. To find
oldest metadata, the parameter start
is specified in the function :schema.measurementFieldKeys(
bucket: "netdatatsdb/autogen",
measurement: "cpu_measurement",
start: -600d
Migration is quite easy. 2 things to bear in mind : a database + retention policy becomes a bucket in version 2 and InfluxQL is replaced by Flux language.
Inconvenients :
- Migration may take a while depending on data volume to migrate. Space disk availability is checked before copying.
- Continuous queries must be migrated manually to Flux tasks : this work should be performed in advance in a testing environment.
- Admin users are not migrated and only authenticated users are migrated.
- Mandatory migration to Telegraf to replace InfluxDB v1 OpenTSDB, Collectd… native protocols, component which adds a point of failure.
Advantages :
- Backward compatibility with the endpoints
for existing tools (Grafana…) using authenticated users 1.x (InfluxQL queries, TickScript). - Chronograf and Kapacitor integrated to InfluxDB v2.
- Flux tasks and new features with Flux language (
, packages,sql.from
and much more…).
Existing tools can then be smoothly migrated to InfluxDB v2 :
- Migration from InfluxQL to Flux / InfluxDB v2 starting Grafana 7.1.
- Kapacitor / TickScript to Flux tasks.