Unix-Linux — Linux

Linux operating systems (Red Hat, Suse…) are interesting alternatives for drastically reducing server costs compared to other proprietary Unix systems.
With virtualization and Big Data, Linux is now ubiquitous and essential.
Ubuntu - Self-signed certificates with its own certification authority February 9th, 2021

Locales on Ubuntu, languages configuration January 11th, 2021

Protecting SSH port with Fail2ban on Ubuntu - Setup and configuration February 10th, 2020

Ubuntu, securing SSH accesses with the listening port and ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall) May 28th, 2019

- Change the default port for SSH connections.
- Disable direct SSH access using the root account.
- Enable ufw (Ubuntu Uncomplicated Firewall) by allowing incoming SSH connections.
Installing and using Komodo Edit on Ubuntu 18.04 May 27th, 2019

Ubuntu, how to display server windows on Windows 10 client hosts with Putty and XMing Server May 24th, 2019

- Complex installation programs (Oracle…), the graphical version is often preferred to the console mode and/or silent installations.
- Running Android studio on an Ubuntu server, more powerful, rather than on the client machine which does not meet the hardware prerequisites (memory, CPU, etc.).
No more articles in English. Below, the available articles but in french.
Installation de Replication Server v 12.0 et Sybase ASE v 12.5 - Linux July 31st, 2002

Installation d’Apache 1.3.23 - Linux July 31st, 2002

Installation de MySQL 3.23.49 - Linux July 31st, 2002

Installation de Php 4.2.0 avec Sybase ASE v 12.5 / PhpMyAdmin 2.2.3 - Linux July 31st, 2002

Services sous Linux, creation de services pour Apache et MySQL July 31st, 2002