MySQL is a database server with high read performance. The philosophy of “pluggable” storage engines for different purposes (transactional, decisional, etc.) has been abandoned since the takeover by the giant Oracle, the transactional engine InnoDB has then become over the years the heart of MySQL.
Replication offers solid solutions for a disaster recovery or distributing data to remote sites for various purposes (reporting, backups, etc.).
MySQL 8, cloning instances for replication using CLONE statement January 20th, 2021

MySQL 8, binary log file position based replication. Getting started, Quick setup January 18th, 2021

- terminology is being modified in MySQL products, change impacting mostly replication.
- side effect on replication of the new
authentication plugin. - read only mode per database, new feature as of MySQL 8.0.22.
No more articles in English. Below, the available articles but in french.
Migration d’un serveur MySQL 4.1 vers 5.0 avec mysql_upgrade April 20th, 2007

MySQL 5.1 et les partitions December 4th, 2006

MySQL 5.1, le programmateur d’évènements (Event Scheduler) February 2nd, 2006

Réplication MySQL 5, cas pratique d’une corruption d’un fichier de relai October 25th, 2005

MySQL 5.0 et la réplication des identity October 19th, 2005

- Violation de clé sur une colonne auto_increment dans un système de réplication : la commande SET INSERT_ID dans les logs binaires.
- Réplication multi master avec les nouvelles variables systèmes auto_increment_increment et auto_increment_offset de la version MySQL 5.0.2 pour éviter les collisions d’identity.
MySQL 5 et le moteur de stockage BlackHole October 4th, 2005

MySQL 5.0 et le moteur de stockage Federated September 26th, 2005

Recovery d’une base MySQL avec les logs binaires June 20th, 2005

Normalisation et installation de serveurs MySQL 4.1.x et 5.0.x sous Solaris May 6th, 2005

Installation personnalisée des packages MySQL sous Solaris May 6th, 2005

MySQL 4.1 et les commandes préparées (Prepared Statements) October 14th, 2004

MySQL 4.1 et les fuseaux horaires October 12th, 2004

MySQL 5.0 et la réplication : mise en œuvre pratique May 21st, 2004

Le cache de requêtes avec MySQL 4.x (Query Cache) June 27th, 2003

Les fichiers de log de MySQL August 2nd, 2002

La réplication avec MySQL 3.23.x August 2nd, 2002