Conception — Tools, design and concepts

Understanding, even mastering, the philosophies and concepts of languages and techniques is essential even for a database administrator.
In this section, a bit of a "catch-all" : articles on some tools, languages and concepts…
Latex, PgfPlots - Filling areas under and between curves June 4th, 2021

library of the PgfPlots package, very easy to use, fill areas : between 2 curves or between a curve and the horizontal axis.
An area can be splitted into segments depending on the intersections of the curves in order to set a different style for each filled area. Latex, PgfPlots - Curves and polar coordinates May 21st, 2021

Latex, tkz-tab package. Tables of signs and variations May 12th, 2021

Latex, pgfplots - x axis labels and multiples of pi for trigonometric functions May 11th, 2021

Latex, graphs on millimeter paper May 10th, 2021

PNG image files creation from schemas in TeX/LaTex documents May 4th, 2021

CSS, auto numbering elements : headings, lists, pagination March 19th, 2021

Using CSS variables to change a page style without reloading December 8th, 2020

No more articles in English. Below, the available articles but in french.
Migration d’un site web de HTTP vers HTTPS (SSL) April 12th, 2019

Apache 2.4. Virtual hosts sous Windows en HTTPS / SSL avec des certificats auto signés. Création et automatisation par macro April 11th, 2019

Apache 2.4 / PHP, création et automatisation des virtual hosts avec le module des macros (mod_macro) April 5th, 2019

Apache 2.2 et PHP sous Windows, environnements de développement multiples avec les virtual hosts January 24th, 2018

Installation silencieuse de Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition en mode hors ligne (offline) September 25th, 2017

Developing anti spam forms without captcha September 15th, 2016

Validation W3C en mode batch de fichiers HTML avec Nu HTML Checker September 12th, 2016

GIMP - Création de vignettes homogènes grâce aux calques May 16th, 2011

Incorporer un forum PHPBB 3 dans l’architecture et le design d’un site May 16th, 2011

Installation de MinGW sous Windows - Minimalist GNU for Windows November 29th, 2010

GIMP 2.6, supprimer une couleur de fond dans une image October 6th, 2010

Le module mod_rewrite d’Apache - Guide pratique October 2nd, 2010

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) et Java pour développer des Web Services July 9th, 2003

- Présentation du protocole SOAP
- SOAP Messaging
- SOAP RPC Remote Procedure Call
Programmation orientée objet (OO) avec Java June 1st, 2001

Création de CD-ROMs auto exécutables (autorun) April 20th, 2001

Serveur Web Apache 1.3.12 sous Windows January 4th, 2001