Conception — Python

Python is an Open Source scripting language widely used in the world of scientific and numerical computing for its power and simplicity.
The third-party packages and libraries available with Python are numerous and cover all areas of an information system (network, databases, time series, noSQL, etc.).
Python, matplotlib. Installation in a virtual environment and X11 forwarding June 7th, 2021

Python - Understanding args, kwargs in functions January 10th, 2021

, **kwargs
in function arguments.
Used to other languages : what’s that ? pointers in Python ?
and **kwargs
allow multiple arguments and named arguments to be passed to a function. Nothing really rocket science. In this article, *args
and **kwargs
explained through simple examples, and at the same time, a quick word about the unpacking operators * and **. Python - Practical Handbook, Quick reference guide January 7th, 2021

- Handling JSON data
- Programs arguments (argparse)
- INI files (configparser), YAML files (PyYAML)
- HTTP requests (packages requests and httplib2) …
Python, application configuration - environment variables, ini and YAML files April 24th, 2020

Python, handling dictionaries with dot notation April 20th, 2020

Python, Managing HTTP requests with the packages requests and httplib2 April 17th, 2020

Python, Parsing arguments with the packages argparse and getopt April 15th, 2020

Python, Reading and writing JSON with the package json April 13th, 2020

Python - Understanding and demistifying virtualenv January 24th, 2020

No more articles in English. Below, the available articles but in french.
Migration automatisée d’un site Web (HTML, PHP, CSS, JS…) de l’encodage ISO-8859-1 vers l’Unicode UTF-8 avec Python 3 September 22nd, 2016