Topics — Time Series
The analysis of continuous temporal data is in some contexts crucial, especially when it comes to raising alerts.
This is the purpose of so-called "Time Series" databases, like InfluxDB or Timescale.
InfluxDB - Migration to version 2 February 1st, 2021
InfluxDB v2 has been released in November 2020.
Upgrading from InfluxDB v1.8 to InfluxDB v2 is quite easy, bear in mind :
- A database + retention policy is a bucket in version 2.
- Backward compatibility with 1.x API is guaranteed, but only for authenticated 1.x users.
- Continuous queries must be migrated to Flux tasks.
- InfluQL is replaced by Flux language.
- Native support of OpenTSDB, Graphite… protocols is removed, Telegraf must be implemented.
InfluxDB v2, Getting started. Preparing the migration from version 1.7 February 17th, 2020
The migration to InfluxDB v2 will need adjustments, many InfluxDB v1 functionalities are replaced in version 2. Migration procedure from version 1.x to version 2 is not yet unveiled, surely it will preconize export/import methods.
The terminology is a little bit modified in version 2 : a database is now a bucket and an organization is necessarily attached to a bucket. No changes about the InfluxDB Line protocol.
In this article : getting started with InfluxDB v2 and the breaks to manage when scheduling migration from version 1.x
InfluQL is replaced by the language Flux, Continuous queries are replaced by tasks.
Native support of the protocols Graphite, OpenTSDB… is removed, Telegraf will have to be used. Grafana plugin for Flux is not yet fully ready.
Understanding, installing and using the time series database InfluxDB 1.7 February 7th, 2020
InfluxDB is a high performance time series database with efficient compression.
The architecture is well designed (measurements retentions, shards) with easy ingestion, natively or through common time series protocols (OpenTSDB, Graphite…).
Queries are SQL Like and the reporting is intuitive with Grafana or Chronograf.
This introduction to InfluxDB v 1.7 also points out the breaks with the next major version 2.0.