Topics — Message Bus

Sending real-time messages from database engines to a message bus like IBM MQ Series, TIBCO… is an increasingly critical business need.
No articles available in English. Below, the available articles but in french.
Sybase 12.5.4 et 15.0 ESD#2 / RTDS 3.5 November 20th, 2006

Sybase 12.5.3a avec MQ Series (RTDS, Real Time Data Services) October 23rd, 2006

Réplication vers une base Sybase RTDS June 9th, 2006

Sybase 12.5.3a et MQ Series dialogueront ensemble September 8th, 2005

Nouveauté ASE 12.5.2 et les RealTime Services vers TIBCO May 7th, 2004